Личная анкета Юлии Яндовиной

Фото профиля Юлии Яндовиной

Юлия Яндовина

Печора, Россия

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Дата рождения

1 февраля

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25 января 2012 в 10:58

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I go on крушки dancing, бисероплетенье, рисовалка, теотральный, needlework, Activity: As well as all at my age, I go to school) In 6 class) Interests: хм... And so... To Walk with friends, to enjoy the life, in its each afternoon, to rejoice that having woken up, you see a sunlight, to show gratitude to the people, which distances to me life. To admire the first spring colors, удовлетворенно to inhale their aroma, I love pictures with sense, it is black - white, with the text... It is my illness. аааррр...*Смотреть new films to thumb through magazines, to read interesting books))) to listen to magnificent songs... And then to sing them... To joke and be kidding over the friends, to the first to forgive insults) any bracelets, covers, handbags))) to lie on a beach, and I listen to noise of sea waves which is interrupted by sounds from a player, to dream of absolutely mad things...) ) To love and be favourite)) to sit вк, лазять on isn't present) to the last to defend the point, Activity: I go to school (I do not know what for), _

Личные настройки профиля

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Параметры профиля

Всего друзей


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Учебные заведения


Школа № 3, 2006 –
Школа-интернат №1 Красногвардейского района, 2011 – 2018

Семейное положение и семья

Мое семейное положение

не замужем

Интересы и увлечения

Пару слов о себе

I cheerful, gentle, careful, love all friends, I go to school № to 3 me there very much character at me gold but sometimes тяжеленький well like all is pleasant. The beautiful Also I do not love when me упровляют If I am silent in the answer, it does not mean that I have nothing to tell... ... If I smile, it does not mean that to me is not sick... ... If I do not cry, it does not mean that I strong... ... If I cry, it does not mean that I weak... ... If I start talking, it does not mean that I will cease to hate... ... If I fall, it does not mean that I am not able to creep... ... If I write, it does not mean that I have forgiven... ... If I remember, it does not mean that to me it is already easy... I love the big dimensionless jackets, I love man's shirts on a naked body and elastic jeans to draw in under myself feet … I like to drink coffee in the mornings and hot tea in the evenings … I like to kiss in the rain and to luxuriate under the sun … I love smiles of friends and bitter taste of tears, I love a rainbow and a lightning … I like to look at fire and to catch a mouth of a drop of a rain … I like to walk with friends and to laugh to a belly-ache … like to breathe a full breast and to substitute the person to a wind, I like to walk on foot to a pain in feet... I like to sit on river bank or to lower in feet in water and to feel its cool, I like to look in the face without taking away a sight, I like to write смски, I like to photograph beautiful places and I like to be photographed, I love the big soft toys which and are to be embraced and pressed to itself, I like to give gifts without cause and I hate holidays, love summer because warmly and winter, because is cold, love autumn because beautifully, love spring because is dirty … Love Night Peter and Day Moscow … Like to sit on a window sill and to look at light from a lantern … like to read another's thoughts and to plunge into lives of other people, like to solve logic problems and to philosophise on any silly theme … love children's laughter and their big, pure angelic eyes … love mum's hands and its voice … love the big writing-books and bags through a shoulder … love bunches of flowers and rosebushes, I love frames with photos and smiles of my friends, I like to listen to stories of my friends and that that they are fine … I like to give advice and to "philosophise" … I like to read books and verses … I like to listen to another's councils, but never to them I listen … I love the friends, but … was not present, I simply love them, without everyones but!!!

Мои интересы

In contact at the girl: Favourite music: so would insert tynts-tynts Favourite tele-shows: Дом2 Favourite books: космополитен_________________________68888.__________________, _______________________.8888888881________________, ______________________8888888888888_______________, _____________________.88888888888888_.____________, _____________________88888888888888885____________, ____________________8888888888888888888.__________, __________________8888888888888888888888._________, _______________8888888888888888888888888588_______, ________________8888888888888888888888888888._____, _______________6888888888888888888888858._________, _______________88888888888888888888888868_______♥__, ______________8888888888888888888888888.__________, ___________._888888888888888888888888885__________, ____________8888888888888888888888888588._________, ____________88888888888888888888888886881_________, ___________68888_88888888888888888885___._________, __________.8888..8888888888888888888______________, __________.8888__8888888888888888888______________, ___________88888_6888888888888888888______________, ___________.8888._888888888888888888______________, ____________:8888.8888888888888888888...__________, _____________688856888888888888888888886__________, ______________6888888888888888888888888888________, _______________888888888888888888888888888________, ________________8888888888888888888888888_________, ______________..8888888888888888888888885_________, _______________88888888888888888888888888_________, ______________688888888888888888888888888_________, ______________88.88888888888___8888888881_________, ________________88888888888_.__.88888888._________, _______________18888888888______68888888__________, ______________.8888888888..______8888888__________, ______________8888888888.________8888888._________, _____________.888888888__________.8888886_________, _____________.88888888____________8888888_________, _____________68888888____________.8888888_________, _____________8888888.____________._888888:________, ____________8888888._______________8888888._______, ___________.8888888________________:888888________, ___________6888888__________________6888886_______, __________.888888.___________________888888_______, __________6888888____________________888888.______, __________8888885____________________.888886______, __________888888______________________888888______, __________888888______________________888888______, _________588888________________________88888______, _________88888_._______________________88888______, _________88885__________________________8888______, _________8888___________________________8888______, ________.888.___________________________6888______, ______..8888____________________________88888.____, _______.6888____________________________8888_.____, _____._88888.___________________________888

Любимые телешоу

Let speak, the house 2, give we will get married, well at me it is a lot of them

Любимые книги

Daddy's daughters, агатины stories, мишкина porridge, to т yes виньчи, потапов to a board and is a lot of many different books

Любимая музыка

The lady an eider, максим, инна, yes is a lot of at me them very much

Любимые цитаты

It is necessary to cry, when anybody to you doesn't disturb. Only then you receive from it pleasure, the world can tell more than we to it.

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